Asiad Kazakhstan 2011 in Photos

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Here are some excellent photos from the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Asian Winter Games 2011 in Astana Kazakhstan.

The Opening ceremony was held in the Astana Arena built specially for the purposes of the 7th Asian Winter Games with the capacity of 30 000.

Dmitriy Krebel, the author of the first three photos and Marina Kirilesgluk, the author of the rest of the beautiful photos have kindly shared them with you, just in case if you, like me, haven't been able to be there in person.

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Now enjoy the photos. Click over the images to see them in a larger scale.

Astana Arena During Asiad 2011 in Kazakhstan
Asiad 2011 Opening in Astana Kazakhstan
Asiad 2011 Opening at Astana Arena in Kazakhstan
Asiad AWG 2011
Asiad 2011 Cup in Astana
Asiad Games 2011
Asiad Kazakhstan
Asian Winter Games - Doves Over the Arena
Asian Winter Games in Astana

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